Welcome to the Achieves Page of the Georgia Chapter of SAPFM


This site is not directly associated with the SAPFM.ORG site, nor SAPFM (Society of American Period Furniture Makers), but is a collection of information shared by members of the Georgia Chapter




View Summary of Al’s Visit


Al Breed Presents Period Furniture Construction Techniques

February 18-19, 2012


The Peach State Chapter of SAPFM spring meeting will feature Allan Breed, the 2012 Society of American Period Furniture Makers Cartouche Award winner.  Al will be providing demonstrations and discussions on the construction techniques for period furniture.


The presentation will cover the construction sequence and techniques used to build period furniture.  The format will include photos of construction sequences and discussion of techniques, complications, and methods of overcoming them.  Demonstrations of methods of scratch stock molding, hammer veneering, reeding and fluting, carving in the round, and use of rounds and hollows for molding will be provided as they relate to the specific project.  The current schedule is for Al to walk us through the construction sequence of a dwarf clock, Newport Townsend highboy, ball and claw carving (Newport exposed talons), and hopeful discussion on the Newport tea table.  This event is from Saturday morning until noon on Sunday.


Following the presentation, there is a 2 ½ day workshop open to the first 12 members to sign up.  This will be a  hands on workshop consisting of demonstrations and participation in period hand tool construction techniques.  Primary activities will include curved molding, veneering, reeding and fluting, carving in the round, draw pinned joints, scratch stocks for curved molding.  This workshop is from noon on Sunday until Tuesday afternoon.


A pre-meeting will be held on Friday evening, February 17 with a slide presentation by Al on his furniture at 7:00 PM at the Woodcraft store located at 8560 Holcomb Bridge Road, Suite 115, Alpharetta, Ga. 30022 and is open to the public.   All presentations and workshops will be held at the Roswell Woodcraft location.


By awarding Al the Cartouche Award, he was recognized for a lifetime of accomplishments in constructing and teaching about period furniture.  As stated on the SAPFM site: “The Cartouche Award is SAPFM's way of acknowledging the contributions made by craftsmen, educators, conservators, and supporters, professional or hobbyist, who have inspired or instructed others, or who have simply made the world more pleasing as a result of their skillful labors.”   Please see both the SAPFM site (www.sapfm.org) and Al’s site for more information about his many accomplishments (http://www.allanbreed.com/page/about-allan ).


Advance registration is encouraged as space will be limited.  The Friday night slide show is free and open to all.  The fee for the Saturday and Sunday seminar is $50 and the fee for 2 ½ day workshop that goes from noon Sunday through Tuesday is $200.  Additional information is available at www.peachstatesapfm.info/events.htm .  SAPFM (Society of American Period Furniture) membership is required to participate in the Saturday and Sunday and Sunday through Tuesday events but individuals may join in advance or at the event.  Those wishing to learn more or to join may do so by going on-line at www.sapfm.org.  Contact Ken Johnson with questions – 770-853-9874 or at peachstatesapfm@gmail.com .  To register, checks should be made out to “Peach State SAPFM”.  One check can be written for both events or just the one you want to attend.  Mail to Ken Johnson, 4905 Hampton Lake Dr, Marietta, GA 30068. 



Details on Al Breed


Al will focus on techniques as they related to the various projects.  He will discuss details of the project, how it accomplished it, showing photos of construction and various approaches.  He will also demonstrate some of the key techniques.  The example of the Newport highboy showing the underside of construction is shown.

Al has given talks on Newport furniture at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET) in New York City during the opening of the Townsend –Godard exhibit in 2007.











Al also teaches on the construction of the Newport tea table.  An example of a tea table top being carved is shown below.



Example of Newport tea table top carving.



Carving discussion and demonstrations will also be a part of the presentation.  Al is known for his carving and specializes in Newport style.  The Newport ball and claw is unique and considered an extreme example of craftsmanship.



Use of hide glue and shellac are fundamentals for Al.  Below he is shown hammer veneering which will be demonstrated during the presentation.  During the workshop, participants will practice the craft.


Details of dovetail detail in hood.








Below are some photos of the many works Al has completed.  He will be showing more during his presentation and workshop.





































































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